Project of engaging social networks as a tool for increasing youth employment in small and middle enterprises in spain
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Project of engaging social networks as a tool for increasing youth employment in small and middle enterprises in spain |
Autor: |
Hidalgo Monreal, Idoia
Vedoucí: |
Mikeska, Martin
SMEs play a key role in the labor market within the European economic environment. In Spain, it is even 99.8% of the largest contributors to the Spanish economy's GDP. At the same time, these companies employ the largest number of employees from all groups in the labor market. However, because of the great financial crisis in 2008, there have been major changes in the labor market. Particularly worrying indicators are the Spanish youth unem-ployment rate, with 36% among the highest in the European Union. Despite several gov-ernment measures and programs, the labor market situation is not significantly improved. The labor market of young people seems to be less flexible, with a lack of relevant infor-mation for companies offering jobs and candidates. These barriers can be eliminated through digital economy and social networking tools. An important prerequisite, however, is that the mediated information is legible, understandable and acceptable to both sides of the labor market. The analysis found that there is a market gap for e-recruiting social net-work content management business. Therefore, this business plan was elaborated in the form of a project, which will then be implemented in practice. |
2018-12-14 |
Bez omezení |
Ústav podnikové ekonomiky |
Studijní obor:
Business Administration |
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